Eating and Feeding
What kind of funding can be used to pay for services at Eating and Feeding? Medicare - You can discuss this with your GP. If you are eligible for medicare sessions there will still be a 'gap' payment required. NDIS - If you are self-managed or plan managed and our services align with the goals in your current NDIS package Private Health Insurance - Check your policy document under 'Extras' Private - You can pay out of pocket for our services
Do I need a referral? You do not need a referral to access our services, however if you would like a Medicare Plan this will need to be obtained from your GP and they will write a referral.
When Should I be worried about my child's eating? You know your child better than anyone else. If you are worried, it's worth booking in for an assessment. Other things to look out for are: • Loss of weight; we are always concerned when children loose weight, especially if it is unexplained. • Dropping more and more foods from the preferred list. • Cutting out food groups, eg. meat, dairy, "carbs” and/or “healthy eating” that seems extreme. • If mealtimes are making you anxious or are stressful for your family.
Will you put me or my family on a diet? No!! We want everyone to eat food that works for them. We recognise that food looks different in every home for a bunch of reasons, and that is perfectly ok. We are not the food police or body shamers, our job is to help people connect with food and feel good about themselves. **However if someone in your family has a medical condition that prevents them from eating certain foods we will certainly advise to omit those foods.
When would someone engage in Feeding Therapy? In feeding therapy children are invited to explore foods in a respectful and non-threatening environment. They learn skills to help manage sensory sensitivities and anxiety related to food. We teach them words and phrases to describe the sensory characteristics of food and express their own sensory preferences. Continued feeding therapy assists children to develop a bank of strategies to manage sensory challenges and anxiety, helping them to feel confident eating at home and in social settings.
What happens in Feeding Therapy? In feeding therapy clients are invited to explore foods in a respectful and non-threatening environment. They learn skills to help manage sensory sensitivities and anxiety related to food. We teach them words and phrases to describe the sensory characteristics of food and express their own sensory preferences. Continued feeding therapy helps people to build confidence and competence with food and eating.